How to know if your workplace fits the wellness office concept


Do you think you have made the perfect office space for your people to work and be productive in? Not every space can be designed to incorporate all the principles of biophilic design and the much-needed wellness office interior, contributing to the enhancement of wellbeing of those within it.

Observe the core wellness office principles and use an evidence-based strategy to create an effective office where you need to inspire and motivate employees over their own wellbeing and preferably increase long-term income at the same time.

The wellness office interior concept and wellbeing office design

Although the “wellness” world generally connotes saunas, spa treatments and relaxation - the term is used to describe so much more. Wellness is an active process of becoming more aware of natural living and making better choices for a more fulfilling life. 

Bearing that in our minds, wellness becomes involved in so many dimensions: from regular, daily exercises and fitness, to nutrition and living a balanced, relaxed, slow and socially healthy life.

The wellness design concept also means creating and living in spaces prone to nourishing our body and mind. This is where we at Biofilico get to say a few words. Wellness concept that’s focused on interior design involves more natural lighting, high efficiency and sustainable materials, air and sound quality, and neutral colour palettes. 

With Biophilic design, (connecting architecture and nature) we integrate the outside greenery and space into an to help your clients and employees stay fit while they’re at work.

A carefully planned wellness office design provides motivation with an educational character since it promotes a healthier approach in office dwelling and spending eight-plus hours at one place.

1. Lightning ensures productivity and suppresses headaches

Lighting can play a crucial role when it comes to workplace and wellbeing office design. From a wellness concept point of view, utilising and incorporating as much natural light as possible is highly recommended, especially for areas designed for distinct types of work or activity. Light promotes alertness, enhances the experience and supports sleep for employees.

Using LED lighting to mimic suitable colours

Also, it has been pointed out by scientists that more than half of the employees lack natural light. Sometimes, future employees put their decision on whether or not their working space has enough natural isolation. 

Knowing that we often don’t have a way to bring natural light with big windows and glass walls, LED lighting is used to mimic natural light, with several ways of colour adaptation to suit different hours of the day.

2. What about indoor air quality? 

The impact of air quality on employee wellbeing is equally as important. Many employees are accustomed to the deep, starchy hum of a central air system, but as well as on lack of temperature control within the office. Energy-saving cooling systems provide a multitude of benefits, including better tenant comfort and higher temperature and humidity control.

3. The organisation of office space with appropriate colours in design

Many studies have supported the universal links between productivity and office design.

Similarly, elements representing the natural world, such as indoor plants and natural colours like green, blue and brown, also made the top five valuable factors when choosing to work somewhere or being productive at work.

Colours, much like lighting, can have a major impact on mood. Certain colours imparted everything from a sense of serenity to dynamics and creativity. Greens, blues and browns are often associated with being restful and productive, while vibrant tones like reds and yellows can inspire motivation.

Colour can be infused not only via paint but also through the selection of colourful furniture, graphics or even carpeting. Also, it is always a good idea to select a palette that works for your brand, and not to be afraid to go bolder, louder on tones and colours.


Office wellness tips - restoring the quality of working hours

Office wellness tips for interior design that inspires activity is a great way of introducing workplace wellbeing. 

Most of the time it’s hard to inspire your workers to take fitness classes, to be active, to cycle to work, skip the elevator and use the stairs, so - in addition to that, incorporating fitness and office health and wellness corners, is considered effective workplace wellness strategy.

Wellness room at work - for employees to rest and regenerate

Provide your employees with wellness rooms in the workplace that they can use when in need to relax both their bodies and minds during the day. 

The workout they get from a brief yoga session, ping pong or a workout in an on-site gym can provide quick stress relief. This fitness-based office wellness tips for the interior concept serves as a communal space integrating a multipurpose wellness room at work, for a few minutes of repose.

Comfort is key - advantages of the outdoors and ergonomic furniture

And last but definitely not least important thing on our journey to make our office’s wellness acceptable is creating an outdoor - like space such as gardens, tracks or trails that will inspire your employees to take their meetings outdoors when the weather is nice.

Wellness friendly offices do an excellent job providing additional options for employees willing to get away from their desks and enjoy some fresh air. These small adjustments bring up to employees gaining more energy, and the increase of physical activity reduces healthcare costs and the number of sick days.

The desk is dead, long live the ergonomy

As we spend most of our working hours sitting, long periods glued to the chair combined with poor posture leads to back pain, and several other muscle and bone illnesses. By offering your staff wellness tips for office workers you can improve their posture and long term health at work:

  • sit-to-stand desks

  • foam mats 

  • configurable tables with casters

  • yoga balls

Standing while working for not more than 30 minutes a day has a remarkable impact in decreasing blood pressure, cholesterol and stress levels. It is also considered to be a more efficient form of going through appointments.


Biophilic impact on wellness office design

The best-kept secret of a great and enjoyable workplace are all the factors that implicate how your employees feel when at work, how they perform and the way they interact with each other. It is known that people seek connection with nature and that they are best motivated to work in natural surroundings.

The innate relationship between humans and nature has been heavily studied for over three decades now, only to be environmentally implemented by our biophilic concept that allows and supports adaptive human functions and psychological restoration.

We bring nature within your office walls! Elements that allow connection to nature via interior design using natural elements, nature-resembling colours and patterns, indoor plants and views of greenery can help us mentally recover and provide respite from our day-to-day activities, to maintain a positive state of mind.

These were a few of the many ways you can use wellness concept and design to help your employees feel better during their time at work. 

If you are still having doubts about how your office space contributes to employee health, Biofilico is here to provide the optimal consultancy and design adjustments for functional office spaces that fit the wellness interior concept, have great natural aesthetics and are cost-effective.

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